Another Day, Another Tea Tease

The following is another snippet from my forthcoming book” The Heart of Tea”. Don’t forget to add yourself to the mailing list here. This time, it’s some fiction Tea Fiction: The End Of The World There really is a button. You know, THE button. The one that means that our nukes will whistle past their nukes and we’ll […]

My Own Private Finnvitka

I know that regular readers will be hoping, that unlike my other 93 posts on this blog, I may get to the point quickly. After all from the title, the post is clearly about style, and what could be more stylish than a quick, to-the-point, blog post? Now, I don’t mean to divert us all sideways […]

A Snippet from the Heart

The Heart of Tea, a book I have been writing on and off for about a year, WILL be released in 2012. When is anyone’s guess. When I’m happy with it, I suppose. Here’s a snippet. It’s annoyingly the first bit of a much longer piece. Just as a  taste tester. Tea Pioneers: Twining Thomas Twining annoys […]

Doggerel for Elevenses (and beyond)

Be grateful for your day’s first tea; That English Breakfast cup, Which starts your day with strength and flair, and inspires getting up. Be grateful for that Lover’s Leap beside you in the car; that fills the empty spot that stirs, post-jentacular. Be grateful for that nice Earl Grey, aside that sticky bun; There’s all […]

Universal Domination, One Cup At a Time

Yesterday was cold. “Cold” by my standards – from about 4 to 7 degrees Celsius. Now in case you live in one of the three countries in the world that retains the 17th century Fahrenheit scale as its official scale – The Cayman Islands, Belize or the United States of America* – that’s 40 to 45 in […]


I wasn’t overly well last night, and consequently, spend much of yesterday evening asleep. Awoke feeling a little better, and decided to share a blog. A blog of loveliness, warmth and feeling, tinged with sadness. Not like me at all, really. Yesterday there was a charity high tea, as evidenced by this photo, showing our […]

Where’s the funny bits now, hey?

Invariably, when I write a blog post, it has funny bits in it. I could call my blog “Tea with Funny Bits”, except that it would then not be appropriate when I go off on a full scale rant. But today, no time for funny bits. We are rather busy here, @ladydevotea and I. You would all expect that, as it […]

High Tea Noon

The idea of High Tea is exploding here in Australia. Seriously exploding. You can’t move for High Teas. In our line of work, or more exactly, with our line of teas, Lady Devotea* and I attend many High Teas. NOT for the little cakes and pastries, or the scones, or the antique cups, or the chance to […]

A Tale of Two Civvies

So, last night was a big night. As many of you know, I am preparing a series of videos for the Annual Spring White Tea event in New York, and I am also hoping I can be there via the big screen using the latest of satellite technology, and by that I mean Skype or Google hangouts. Last night was the shooting of […]

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