
I wasn’t overly well last night, and consequently, spend much of yesterday evening asleep. Awoke feeling a little better, and decided to share a blog.

A blog of loveliness, warmth and feeling, tinged with sadness. Not like me at all, really.

Yesterday there was a charity high tea, as evidenced by this photo, showing our Lord Petersham blend being made up for the first cup.

In attendance were myself and Lady Devotea, both our sons and their other halves.

It raised a fair bit of money to help get fresh water and sanitation to children in Laos.

It was a joyful event, but tinged with sadness as it’s the last time we’ll all be together for an unknown amount of time.

So, I decided to get up and write about why.

As Lucas and Zoe (once you’ve clicked forthcoming link you’ll be certain who they are) are currently occupying my office, I headed to Lady Devotea’s study to churn out my witterings.

And there, on her screen, was a blog post.

She has gazumped me!

Everything I wanted to say, but better.

So, I shall hand over at this point to Lady Devotea’s alter ego’s blog.

(Incidentally, it’s a far more useful blog than mine generally.)

And I shall make some tea.


6 thoughts on “Gazumped!

  1. I’ve been to your Lady Devotea’s blog and she’s done quite a nice job over there.

    Glad your High Tea lark went well. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. The lovely @ladydevotea complements you wonderfully. I’d love to meet her, and give her a warm hug.
    For the short term hope you feel better soon, for the long term, may time pass quickly!

  3. I feel like such a pansy now at my near-tears of leaving the new baby at daycare for the first time today. Apparently it doesn’t get easier to let them go anywhere at any age.

    The Lady Devotea’s words were beautifully poignant. A big hug to you both. I know it doesn’t make it better, but the triumph of knowing you were the ones who helped them gain the strength and know-how to make their way in the world is quite something. They are blessed to have you both to come home to whenever needed!

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