The America of My Dreams

I have a history of wanting to live in places that I go to. My first genuine overseas trip (Kangaroo Island not included) was to Fiji, Tonga and New Caledonia; but I was too teenaged, too grumpy, too fair-skinned and too much a country hick to really appreciate those hot places. As an adult, I […]

Of Vampires and Teapots

A few years ago, I missed the boat. I wrote a book that had a lot of vampires in it; and whilst Stephanie Meyer has been so successful with that particular genre that it makes me want to smash something, my book was not a commercial success. And yet, in my books, rather than mooning […]

My Kingdom For A Kettle

As we know, the ability to boil water is an early indicator of the prospects of a civilisation. That moment when the discovery of fire, the saucepan and really tasty soup recipes all occur can often can be said to be the origin point for the most successful of societies. Of course, whilst civilisation requires […]

Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble

This week, we’ve lifted the lid on some new products. We decided we wanted to do a joint venture; and as we were adamant about how fussy we were about our partner in this, we actually founded the other party, bringing in business partners with the expertise we needed. So the owners of The Devotea […]

Cover Me! I’m going in.

Reading some recent press reports, there’s a blockade in Darjeeling that might well affect the tea business. The guys behind it are Gorkhas, which is sometimes transliterated as Gurkhas. So, if the word seems familiar, it’s because Gurkha regiments have been part of the British Army for a long time. An indigenous people of Nepali […]

Doctor Tea, I Presume?

For those of you with sharp memories, there’s a line of dialogue in the six-part 1971 Dr Who story “Colony in Space” where someone asks Jon Pertwee as The Doctor “Are you some kind of scientist?” to which he replies: “I am every kind of scientist.” I was just reading about the somewhat controversial Nathan […]

Sifting The Night Away

There’s a blog about tea simmering away in my head. Usually they come to the boil within a day or two, but this one won’t, so I found myself simply searching through tea news for something to blog about. Searching through tea news? How does one do that? Obviously I read a bunch of blogs, […]

Fifty Clubs Need a Smack

What with the fuss over stupid sports, I thought there was a few that had got it right. And there are plenty of stupid sports. Grown men driving cars in circles? Hardly a sport! Banging a ball about with a metal stick, which also doubles as a great way to smack up your husband’s car […]

Heraclitus Knew A Thing Or Two

There is nothing permanent except change. – Heraclitus  If you’ve ever read one of my blog posts before, I assume it is fixed in your mind, like the day you met your soul mate or had your first cup of Darjeeling tea. So, you will have noticed, something’s changed. As I sit here with my standard […]

Don’t Wait To Be Told

There was a classic series of TV ads in the 1970s in Australia, complete with jingle. It consisted of various scenarious where someone is enjoying themselves, only to be told that they suffer from offensive body odour. The solution? Palmolive Gold, a soap with built-in deodorant. The basic premise was that if you suffer from […]

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