One Kilo

I haven’t blogged for a while, and that’s down to an almost unprecedented level of activity and exhaustion

For those of you are unaware, Lady Devotea is opening a tea shop, in a pub in England. We are living above it and I am pitching in with the renovations to our living space as well as immersing myself in a writing project.

In a month or two, I’ll obtain the necessary paperwork and run it with her: in the meanwhile her effort is superhuman.

One thing she has done is install a one kilo container of Mokabari East Assam tea downstairs in the pub after the departing managers appeared to take the teab*gs with them.

Builders, painters and the odd punter have been enjoying pots of this delicious tea.

Inexorably it is being depleted.

One cup at a time, eh?

3 thoughts on “One Kilo

  1. I would expect a big rush of painters, builders etc hoping to get jobs in your tea pub, just so they can get that tea. Sounds delicious. Lucky them! Good luck with your paperwork.

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