One Lump Or Two?

Life is frantic, and that’s my excuse for no blogging for more than a week. Lady Devotea is working 18-20 hours per day in her new job. I am using that same time to work on extensive renovations, shop for every single thing you need in a new country and research and writing the new book. […]

It’s Happening Now

A year ago today, on our Wedding Anniversary, Lady Devotea and I were having a bit of an adventure. We were in Las Vegas, having flown in the day before. It was the day before World Tea Expo and we had a dazzling array of stuff to look at, sights and sounds to absorb, book […]

The Restoration

Today is May 29th, and on this day in 1660 the English Throne was restored. Here on this tea blog, why should we care? For starters, Charles II of England marred Catherine of Braganza, who  is credited with making tea fashionable in England. This eventually lead to its consumption in English colonies. After all, it […]

I’ve Bean Meaning to Mention…

Those of you who pay attention and follow my every word – that’s all of you, right? – will know that I have had an uneasy relationship with coffee. I outed myself as bi-beverage when I wrote Swinging Both Ways. I mentioned that it was acceptable, in some circumstances to order coffee, not tea, after […]

Quote Me. I Dare You

I’ve noticed that 5 separate tea companies are now quoting me,with just one particular quote. It’s not one of my more controversial ones. So, I’m throwing down the gauntlet. Here’s some new one to share if you dare.

Not Exactly a Hunger Strike

In 1989, I found myself on a plane belonging to Hassanal Bolkiah. There was a pilot’s strike in Australia, and I had earned a trip overseas for selling many printers. This involved getting to and from Sydney, and with Qantas and Ansett on strike, our Government made other arrangements. On the way to Sydney, I […]

The Big Eight – A Food Service Nightmare

Tea is pretty simple. When you serve tea in a commercial setting, you can be mostly relaxed about causing allergic reactions. Of course, you need to filter the water and boil it properly. Tap water can be dangerous and trigger allergies in some cases, as this medical paper on pesticides suggests. But mostly, tea should […]

And Now, We Wait…

Life has a variety of states. Sometimes, you can be waiting for something. Unlike in the play Waiting for Godot, where <SPOILER ALERT> Godot never arrives, most things you wait for actually happen. Along with a bunch of stuff you were not waiting for. At the moment we are burning down through a list of tasks. […]

Sukret te gate: It’s the ‘Sugar Tea Gate’ Scandal

Most of you reading this can recall a scandal, even if vaguely. In America, there was a president who said “I am not a crook” Another who said “I DID NOT have sex with that woman”. And another who said “mumble mumble recroootament mumble”. All scandalous. All untrue. Admittedly, I’m guessing about the last one. […]

Roll Out The O’Barrell

Being an enthusiast when it comes to politics, I’m one of the limited number of  Australians outside of New South Wales that even knew that the Premier of that State was a man called Barry O’Farrell. He was the most popular State Premier in Australia, had a huge 27 seat majority, and was leading his […]

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