New Year’s Day is a time for reflection, and as I am writing this on just that day, I’ll reflect.
2014 was the best of times and the worst of times, to paraphrase Dickens, and over that year I blogged a little less due to being extremely busy, living in several different locations across the world and being quite angry at times. Now, most people who regularly read my blog would expect a bit of anger from me in midst of my rants, but I’m not talking about the righteous anger that is justified when I get a sub-standard cup of tea, but the sort of white-hot anger that has one thinking less about blogging and more about hiding the bodies.
During 2014 the ones I love and myself were subjected to appalling situations, and interacted with some very poor specimens of humanity, as well as meeting some really lovely people. It was a year where the bad guys were a lot more significant, though.
Our transient lifestyle means that our extensive collection of beautiful teacups was packed up in April, shipped in May and not seen since. Best guess at this point is late January.
So, the obvious question is: what have we drunk tea out of over the last seven months?
We’ve had nice cups while out and also standard coffee cups. We’ve had polystyrene and paper. We’ve stayed with friends with elegant tea glasses and IKEA coffee mugs. We’ve even had to put up with the hipster craze of putting everything in mason jars or milk bottles.
Along the way, we’ve been confronted with times when we just needed to buy a cup, any cup. And worse, the only place open or available was a supermarket.
Some of those we’ve brought out of necessity have been abandoned, lost or broken along the way, but as I write this our cupboard contains 4 supermarket-bought mugs.
So, when you are making a cup of tea and reading our blogs and posts, you might imagine that we are indulging in a big cuppa from one of these, which I present in chronological order of purchase:
So, regardless of whatever is going on in your life, if you have a whimsical mug, great tea and your loved ones close by, it’s not all bad.
After all, both loved ones and tea are necessary when you have all those bodies to bury.
Mugs, mugs and more mugs.
It seems you will need a lot of them to take care of all your “enemies”.
I hope 2015 will go better for you.
Thank you Xavier, we know it will
It can only get better and think of the bright side. You now have the opportunity to collect new and interesting cups based on each memory created by each body buried. Aww…memories. Happy New Year!