Short Circuit

Before I surprise all of my readers, let me just say I am quite surprised myself.

Barely three months ago, Lady Devotea & I announced an exciting new adventure: moving our headquarters to the UK and in that time, Lady D has been at the helm of a new tea shop that has presented our blends to the discerning English palate. With the notable exception of one gentlemen who objected not only to the Australianness but also the Americanness of our Lord Petersham, it has been very well received.

It was a great foundation for our next chapter, based in the UK.

So the stunning news is: we are returning to Australia.

The situation is not of our making. Neither of us is ill; we have not fallen foul of The English Tea Council and been run out of town for our stance on teab*gs. Our plans have simply and irrevocably altered.

Over the next few days, I’ll post something about the tea shop.

To our friends in Adelaide, we’ll be seeing you soon.

To the wonderful people we’ve met here, thanks for enriching our journey. It saddens us to go, but we are going.

At this point, we’re not making any further comment, and are heading off for a short holiday.

You’ll have to wait until our story is sold to Hollywood and released as a blockbuster.

6 thoughts on “Short Circuit

  1. Obviously if your story is sold, only you can star in it. Can’t quite see anyone else playing you. Am flabbergasted about your news. Stunned. Hope to hear more soon. Strangely enough I quite like the thought of you living in Australia again. Isn’t Adelaide much prettier? I have no idea why I feel this way, but to me Australia, that is Our Devotea. That is where you make those lovely videos, wearing the funny hat, with the wooden shelf behind you. That is where you make the Billy tea, create your concoctions outdoors, sell tea on the markets, and post pics of Adelaide. Now I know your house is sold, so it will not be quite the same, but I hope you find a lovely new home. Having said all that, I still wish you lived closer.

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