To Market, To Market

I live a complex life, like most people these days. Here’s how Roger Waters explained this: You wake up in the morning, get something for the pot Wonder why the sun makes the rocks feel hot Draw on the walls, eat, get laid Back in the good old days Then some damn fool invents the […]

Spy vs. Spy

I used to be a spy. Not a heroic, brave armed-to-the-teeth spy, as you see in a variety of silly films. I was head of the corporate intelligence section of a recruitment business I worked for. In fact, I was the corporate intelligence section. I got to be James Bond, M and Miss Moneypenny all […]

The Collective Minds of Tea on the 7 Great Stories

This is the final entry in my “List Week”. Seven Lists in Seven Days. If you’ve been reading, you have my thanks. If you haven’t – what’s wrong with you? According to a famous work by a certain Mr Booker, there are just seven stories in literature, and all books follow one or more of […]

9 Essential Daily Tea Occasions

This is List Five of “Lord Devotea’s List Week” a spectacular week of lists that is spread over the Beasts of Brewdom and Lord Devotea’s Tea Spouts blogs.  Of course, you can have twenty or thirty cups of tea in a day, if you like. In this blog, though, I’m going to pare it back to just […]

My 12 Best Blog Post Titles What I Wrote*

The Devotea’s List Week. List 4.** I love a great title. I find inspiration in titles. Many of my favourite authors go for brilliant, somewhat far-out titles such as Philip K. Dick (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”, “We Can Remember it for You Wholesale”, “Flow my Tears, The Policeman Said” ). Or the clever […]

Preview: A Week of Lists

Inspired by my friend @lazyliteratus and his spectacular”White Tea Week” and also by seeing so many blog posts that start with a number and contain a list, I’ve decided to offer my “List Week”. Every day for a week: That’s seven posts not including this one. Some of them are stuffed full of original content, […]

Pop Culture

I’m on record as being unmoved by both Japanese teas and Japanese tea culture and ceremonies. Taking your shoes off, sitting on a rush mat and admiring a stick in a vase does not in any way cause me to suddenly enjoy tea that is too bitter, and/or too thin, and/or looks like second-hand bile […]

Love Of My Life. A Unique Tea.

There are some people who see Valentine’s Day as a crass commercial cardfest, and I guess it can be. But I think it’s a memory pin; it’s a thing that reminds you to stop wasting synaptic electricity washing the car, watching TV or researching a controversial blog you’ve been promising for ages, and think about […]

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