The Restive Season

Some random person on Facebook said the other day in my direction: “I guess Christmas Day gives you a break from drinking all that tea”. What? That’s the most inaccurate thing since Keanu Reeves had “actor” put on his passport! Christmas Day is about having those people you are closest to around you. It’s not […]

“High Coffee”? Highly Stupid!

Something has got up my nose. Not exactly a new thing, really: Over the years, I’ve endlessly ranted about various things, and this is just the latest. Not the least, not the greatest, just one more way the world has failed to meet my expectations. I’m talking about “High Coffee”. Yes, in case you hadn’t […]

The 9-Sentence Guide To Hosting an Afternoon Tea

When deciding on your guest list, the only two criteria are people you like, and people who will like each other, which often reduces the number of family members getting an invitation. Unless you are holding out because you will receive a knighthood or Nobel prize, NOW is the occasion to use the best china, […]

The Jesus Mouse

My long-time online friend Finbarr O’Brien, most notable to most of our readers as the namesake of our Finbarr’s Revenge Irish Breakfast Tea, sent me a link to a story from an Irish Journal. It concerns a spat that has gone viral in that fair country over poor quality tea. The vendor in this case in Marks […]

Quora and Fora

I often get snarky on this blog, it’s fair to say it’s not the only place. For example, real life. I’m quite snarky there. Another fine example is when the site sends me an email letting me know that someone thinks I should answer a particular question. As an example, I got this one […]

War and Peace. With Less Peace.

For years, many of us have dedicated ourselves to the war on teab*gs. One of my tea blogger friends posted the other day about another success in this war, but it perversely made me wonder: is it ever winnable? And do we want to win? And what do we want to win? And who are […]

Shannon’s Kitchen Has Balls

Today I’m going to share with you my favourite food blogger. Shannon blogs about healthy food…theoretically. Let’s back up and talk about me. Of course. When I started this blog, I knew I was going to give myself permission to discuss anything I damn well wanted. Sure, I had to work tea into every post, […]


I get asked questions all the time, here’s one from little Mandy of Manchester, UK: Dear Lord Devotea, do you condone biscuit-dunking in tea? It’s a vexed question, Mandy, and I’ll try to answer it succinctly: Yes. As succinct as that is, I’ll have to add a few qualifiers. About nine pages’ worth, if I’m on […]

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