This week, International Tea Day occurs. It’s December 15th every year.
It’s not a day devoted to drinking copious quantities of tea – that’s every day.
It’s a day dedicated to thinking about tea workers.
So, I was thinking about it yesterday, because here in Australia, Dec 15th is indeed yesterday.
I wasn’t thinking about it as well as I usually think about things, as I am recovering from some surgery and a bit off my game.
No Matter.
I sat down to write about the tea workers – a subject I often return to – and as I have multiple monitors, I began to see some topics trending that mystified me, and when I followed the trail, I found about about the tragedy taking place at Newtown, Connecticut.
Needless to say, the thinking and subsequent writing did not get done.
Today, I can’t really get my act together either.
So, instead, I’ll make a commitment to writing on the theme over the next few weeks.
Meanwhile, I’ll break out teas form as many tea-producing nations as I can.
And I’ll just mark International Tea Day by drinking copious quantities of tea.
Sometimes the world is too sad to write anything.
I felt the same way the next day, just couldn’t really get my head around things. I wanted to talk to you all but there’s this feeling of; well what should I say? So many things seemed trivial. Anyway, the subject of tea workers makes me think of some of your very, very early posts. Before you had this blog. It was a topic we thought about on Leafbox Tea too and I remember exchanging thoughts with you about it at the time. That topic never goes away, does it?!