The beginning of the end

I’ve been prolific this week. There’s been so much to talk about as I have absorbed Thailand like a great big sponge. I’ll be writing two other posts, with pictures aplenty. But here’s how it ends. Twenty six hours from departure, and I’ve still not found a basic teapot or any significant quantities of Thai tea. Or much of any […]

In Which One Laughs at the Fickle Finger of Fate

I returned to the little shop where I’d found the Raming Organic Jasmine tea. If you haven’t read about that, then you’ve sadly missed out on the blockbuster tea buying adventure story of the decade and you need to start about six blog entries back. I decided to buy another couple of boxes and try […]

The Land of Plenty

Once more hurling ourselves into the unknown in search of tea, it’s time for Tesco/Lotus a supermarket joint venture between Tesco of the UK and Lotus of Thailand. It’s large! The only other Tesco I’ve been is in in Pitsea, Essex and this would give that one a run for its money. Now, the whole […]

Taking Tea with The Buddha

Forgive the fact that this blog actually follows on from the one I will probably write next. I’ve been working a new one up all day in my head, and then inspiration strikes and these words and thoughts come tumbling out. There’s a reason for that. And as the old saying goes, it’s in the […]

Smarter than Smokie

Regular readers will know that I am travelling at the moment. Yesterday, Lady Devotea and I celebrated 25 years of marriage. We met when I was 19, we’ve been inseparable ever since. We moved in together a few weeks after that, and we married almost exactly two years later. And yesterday was a remarkable day. […]

Dancing the cha-cha

Whilst on this sojourn; I have probably decided to blog more than my “once a week”, twice if I feel like it” usual regime. If limited connectivity allows me to. That’s because I hope I have new things to say, and like all my blog entries; they have a connection to tea. Luckily, tea in […]

Carry On Up The Spout

Dear Mount Barker Council This is a difficult letter for me to write. Mainly because of etiquette or a sense of fairness. You see, this is an open letter. As well as writing it to you, I am publishing it on my blog “The Devotea’s Tea Spouts” at , possibly the world’s most influential […]

I’m not a Peasant Plucker, but…

Radhika doesn’t really have time to enjoy the first rays of the watery sun. It will be baking hot soon enough. She reaches into the first Camellia Sinensis var. Assamica shrub of the many she will confront over the coming hours, and expertly picks the top two leaves, with a central bud, and drops them into the basket slung around her shoulder. Ranjiv’s hands fly as […]

A Matter of Style

I’ve got the uncomfortable feeling I should be writing something. Can’t think what. So I’ve been drinking tea and blogging about writing. Which is like writing to avoid writing. It’s like I’m trying to drink myself sober. So, let’s talk about style. Remember this from The King James Bible: ..and the Devil spake unto them, […]

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