Two Wrongs don’t make a White

Tetracloroethylene. Just let that chemical name roll over your tongue. Tet-ra-clor-o-eth-y-lene. Does it sound remotely tasty? I think not. Back in 1981, I was in Year 11 Chemistry class. I believe the besser-block walls of the Eyre High Chemistry Lab Number One probably still bear the stains of of phenol-blue fight I had with Billy Christopolous that year. Certainly […]

All The Young Dudes

The title above is that of a song written by David Bowie for Mott The Hoople. Now Mott The Hoople are just a footnote in music history these days. Three albums from 1969-1971 failed to be much of a commercial success and they had more or less decided to break up. Enter David Bowie into the story – he […]

Context and the Art of Slurping Your Own Tea

Drinking your own tea? When I worked at a computer store many years ago, a lovely lady there named Janet had a saying, that someone had been “drinking their own bathwater”. Using this phrase to mean someone who was “a little different” had been drinking their own bathwater. And by ‘a little different” I mean touched. And by ‘touched’ I […]

So Near and Yet So Far…

I’ve spoken of a desire to visit the US of late: in reality, a desire to visit my tea friends there. Well, I’m taking steps! Firstly, you can expect an announcement soon about our teas being available in the US via mail order, and hopefully soon after that, at a High Tea near you! But more on that later. It is totally top secret that our […]

We Might Have Started the Fire

Everything that Billy Joel has even done has been a spectacular success, apart from having a daughter with a supermodel that sadly looks like him and the very public way that same supermodel’s infidelity came to light via a helicopter crash. But other than those, it’s all been pretty good, and one of the more successful efforts was “We Didn’t Start the Fire”. In it, he takes exception to […]

Assam I Am

It’s an interesting phenomenon amongst Doctor Who fans that everyone has one actor they consider ‘their’ Doctor. If you live outside the civilised world and have no idea what I’m talking about, it’s a TV show that has been on the TV since the 60s (with a 13 year break) and the actor playing the main character changes every so often. This works […]

Step In To My Parlour

Warning: This post contains virtually no tea. May contain traces of self-analysis, narcissism and Dr Phil moments. I am about to paraphrase what someone said to me. Now, I know that you expect hard-hitting, no-holds-barred, 100% accurate reportage from me, as I am known as a fearless warrior for the truth about tea. But I am forced to paraphrase. You see, I said something in […]

Eleven Golden Permissions

I have been talking with the Official Teemeister of All Germany, Ken (@lahikmajoe), about his travails in a tea shop in Berlin. Via email, tweet, his blog, storify and live. It’s been big. Basically, to boil it down, he found a teashop operated by a complete nutjob.  Amongst other things this wingnut believes, he believes he has the right to add […]

Spin the Teapot

Last year, one of my most popular posts was Tea Roulette, where I just blathered on about random subjects. Thankfully, I’ve created a stunt to get away with that again. I have a bunch of idea that never made it to their own blog post, and I”ve arranged them on post-it notes in a circle. I shall now […]

Burning Down The {TEA} House

I have a score to settle. Yesterday, I went for walk down The Parade with Lady Devotea. As previously mentioned, that’s a street here in Adelaide. About 40 minutes away from our house. On this occasion it was the Food and Wine Fair. It was very hot – well very hot-ish – and we walked the length and breadth, poking into little homewares shops and and […]

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