More Excuses, More Tea

My friends, my blogging has slowed to a crawl. I could make many excuses, but I think the simple truth is my need for sharing my bad temper and sarcasm is being assuaged in other forms. There’s Facebook, where a quick twenty words can elicit a great response. There’s the blog I’m writing for someone else, […]

Tea: Not Playing Second Fiddle

No verse can give pleasure for long, nor last, that is written by drinkers of water. (Horace) My friends, this is it. This is the blog you need to share with your friends, your colleagues, your enemies, your competitors, your relatives. It’s the point where tea takes front and centre stage. It’s rightful place. No more […]

It Appears I’m It

Thanks to a post started by  Lu Ann, author of The Cup Of Life, I’ve been tagged by Jen at International Tea Moment (@teamoment on twitter) to answer a stack of impertinent questions and then link some other poor soul to do the same. 1) First, let’s start with how you were introduced & fell in love […]

Boho Means Rhapsody, I hope.

Today is Melbourne Cup Day, which is one of the biggest days in the Australian Calender. It used to be about horse racing; these days there is more interest in third-rate imported celebrities, drunken rich men and above all, women who exude an odd combination of shiny clothing, copious quantities of vodka and what appears […]

It’s Not You, It’s Me.

A while ago, here in fact, I admitted to being bi-beverage. I also mentioned our coffee business, which was quite short-lived as tea put it in it’s place. There is actually a blend of coffee called TD Smooth, which is only available at The Devotea’s Pop-Up Tea Shop. But I digress. I have something important […]

Fear and Loathing In a Tea Shop

This might surprise you, but I regularly visit a tea shop. Lady Devotea and I run two businesses, and the one that isn’t tea requires meeting with a number of people. As our home town of Adelaide is long and thin, running from North to South, it can be quite a distance from one bit […]

Brown Owl and The Fortress of Evil

Before I share with you the outrageous information that has given me a head of steam for this blog post, let me tell you first how it came about. I was listening to my favourite radio programme, ABC Conversations, which is basically just someone having a good ol’ natter about their life and times with […]

The Blacklist

It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents* — except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind* which swept up the streets (for it is in London* that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely* agitating the scanty flame* of the lamps that […]

Cover Me! I’m going in.

Reading some recent press reports, there’s a blockade in Darjeeling that might well affect the tea business. The guys behind it are Gorkhas, which is sometimes transliterated as Gurkhas. So, if the word seems familiar, it’s because Gurkha regiments have been part of the British Army for a long time. An indigenous people of Nepali […]

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